Purpose and History

Japan Iron and Steel Recycling Institute (JISRI) was first established as the Japan Iron and Steel Scrap Industry Association on July 1, 1975, by companies specializing in iron and steel scrap and trading companies, with permission from the Minister of International Trade and Industry (at the time). The name was changed to Japan Iron and Steel Recycling Institute (JISRI) in July 1991. In April 2012, JISRI changed its status to that of a general incorporated association in accordance with the government’s reform of the public corporation system.
JISRI is composed of 697 regular members (680 iron and steel scrap dealers, 16 trading companies, and 1 overseas company), 167 registered offices (131 iron and steel scrap dealers and 36 trading companies), and 90 supporting members with 115 offices (as of July 31, 2024).
Since its establishment, JISRI has placed great importance on global environmental issues, and we contribute to society through recycling activities while responding quickly to the changing times.
A peaceful and prosperous daily life is the desire of all mankind. To make this dream a reality, we must first work to preserve the global environment.
As economic activities become more active, the quality of things produced in our daily lives and industrial activities becomes more diverse. Many of these items can be reused as resources. We believe it is important now to take on the mission of passing on the earth’s limited resources to the next generation, while carefully preserving them as common assets.
Based on this noble philosophy, we are working steadily to recycle iron and steel scrap. If it were not for the iron and steel scrap recycling industry, things that could be reused would be thrown away as garbage, and the streets would be overflowing with garbage that is not processed, and the waste of resources would come back to haunt humanity dozens of times over. Our work contributes to economic development while also helping to preserve the global environment. We have created this page with information about JISRI in the hope that it will help you understand the iron and steel recycling industry.

Main Activities

1. Negotiations with all parties involved

We hold various discussions with the relevant government ministries, including the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Ministry of the Environment, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. We also actively exchange views with related organizations, such as the Japan Ferrous Raw Materials Association, Non-Integrated Steel Producers’ Association, and the Japan Iron and Steel Federation, and work to promote mutual understanding. We are a member of the Bureau of International Recycling (BIR), a global recycling organization, as well as the Recycle Ports Promote Council and Japan Industrial Safety & Health Association, and we participate in a wide range of business activities.

2. Improving industry business practices

In addition to promoting the modernization of the industry, improving both software and hardware technology, and conducting research and providing information on environmental preservation, labor and other issues, we are also engaged in a wide range of activities in the fields of compliance, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and international exchange.

  • Promotion of occupational safety measures
  • Thoroughly complying with laws and regulations, ensuring dissemination of information on changes in and proper compliance with laws and regulations, and developing CSR activities.
  • Encouraging international exchange
  • Issuance of metal recycling slips (*Note) / Issuance of “Iron and Steel Recycling Business Handbook”
  • Publicizing the environmental value of iron and steel scrap (1.39 tons of CO2 reduction) / Creating and distributing various educational posters

*Note: What is a metal recycling slip?

The revision of the Act on Waste Management and Public Cleaning in 1998 made it mandatory to use an industrial waste control sheet when outsourcing the disposal of industrial waste. Iron and steel scrap is recognized as a material (i.e. industrial waste that is intended solely for recycling) under the Act on Waste Management and Public Cleaning, and therefore does not require a business license or the use of an industrial waste control sheet. However, the company that generated the scrap may wish to confirm that the scrap has been properly recycled. Metal recycling slips are issued by JISRI to certify the recycling of scrap metal, and member companies use these slips to certify the proper processing flow of iron and steel scrap. However, this slip is not a legal industrial waste control sheet and can only be used for scrap metal.

3. Conducting various workshops and seminars

We publish the PR magazine “Iron and Steel Recycling News” three times a year to promote understanding of the industry and JISRI’s activities. In addition, the JISRI website is regularly updated with news, updates, market information, etc., that will be useful to everyone. We have also set up a members-only page that can be viewed only by JISRI members, and we are working to post more useful information.

4. Holding a national convention

We are working to improve the level of the industry by planning and holding lectures with invited experts from inside and outside the industry, as well as seminars and training sessions aimed at developing young successors.

5. Agency business

A national convention is held each year under the supervision of each branch. Each branch organizes a convention executive committee, and under the direction of the branch head, plans a fun program unique to that branch. Many members from all over the country attend and deepen their friendship with each other. Since 2003, the ordinary general meeting has been held at the same time.

We offer the following agency services to our members.

  • The property liability insurance, comprehensive workers’ compensation insurance, and other types of non-life insurance of the Disaster Mutual Aid Association

Organization Chart

Organization Chart


The Steering Committee is the upper organization of the committees, consisting of the president, vice president, branch heads, committee chairmen, and managing directors, and it deliberates and reviews the overall management of JISRI from a comprehensive perspective.


The Finance Committee manages the overall accounting of JISRI, including the headquarters, each branch, and each section. The Committee will also deal with medium to long-term financial planning, fund management, and the establishment of a smooth accounting system.

Trading Companies and Distribution

The Trading Companies and Distribution Committee is composed of trading company members and supports the various projects of JISRI by utilizing the functions of trading companies.

Business Measures

As more countries are promoting the formation of a recycling-oriented society, the role of the iron and steel recycling industry is becoming more important. Under these circumstances, the Business Measures Committee is conducting various studies and projects related to the development of a recovery system and infrastructure that will contribute to the stable supply of valuable iron and steel raw materials. In addition, in order to promote occupational health and safety activities as an industry and to create even safer and more secure workplaces, the Committee is working with related organizations to raise awareness by creating various manuals, safety posters, etc.


In response to the demands of the times, the Environment Committee will address environmental issues broadly, share relevant information, and develop projects aimed at raising awareness of such issues. The Committee addresses compliance, risk management, and corporate social responsibility in the iron and steel recycling industry and works to share and promote the results of its achievements.

Public Relations

The Public Relations Committee shares information on JISRI’s various projects, useful industry-related information, and the latest market trends through the PR magazines “Iron and Steel Recycling News” and “Fax Communication,” while working to promote the environmental value of iron and steel scrap (1.39 tons of CO2 reduction), improve the industry’s social recognition, raise the level of the industry, and promote JISRI. At the same time, the Committee is using JISRI’s website to share information quickly. The Public Relations Committee also organizes and conducts annual seminars and contributes to the development of young business leaders who will lead the next generation.

Automobile Recycling Law

As an industry that plays a central role in automobile recycling, the Automobile Recycling Law Committee is working on various issues surrounding automobile recycling through repeated discussions with related government agencies and organizations, with the aim of achieving proper disposal of used vehicles and improving the recycling rate.

Port and Harbor

The Port and Harbor Committee, in cooperation with relevant government agencies, conducts research and studies on the actual situation and problems related to the loading of iron and steel scrap at ports nationwide, and contributes to the smooth distribution of scrap, which is an international commodity, by participating in conferences of port-related personnel and exchanging views.

Proper Yard Promotion

The Proper Yard Promotion Committee was established as a special committee in May 2023. The Committee exchanges information with JISRI and relevant government agencies regarding the actual situation of improper yards, etc. The Committee also works with steel producers and related organizations. The Proper Yard Promotion Committee aims to promote the optimization of improper yards, correct the negative impact of yards on the surrounding environment, and realize fair competition in the distribution of iron and steel scrap.


President/Vice Presidents

  • Representative President
    Kensuke Kitani, Chief Executive Officer, SHIMABUN Corporation
  • Representative Vice President
    Hideki Inohana, Executive Officer General Manager Business Department 1, REVER CORPORATION
  • Executive Vice President
    Tatsuyuki Tanihira, President,Tanihira Corporation
  • Executive Vice President
    Minoru Hirabayashi, President, Hirabayashi Metal Co., Ltd
  • Executive Vice President
    Go Yoneda, Executive Managing Officer, Executive General Manager of the Ferrous Raw
    Materials Div, MM&KENZAI Corporation
©2019-2025 Japan Iron And Steel Recycling Institute, All rights reserved.